detection period: 2022-05-13 00:00-23:59 UTC
total number of suspected botnet IPs: 26678
number of botnet IPs notified to network operators (best case, if all mail were sent out successfully): 25057
number of spam blocked: 0
recipient count of spam blocked: 0
The top 10 networks (as found in WHOIS), ordered by the number of suspected botnet IPs are:
Rank | Network | # of suspected botnet IPs |
2 | DIGITALOCEAN-192-241-128-0 | 1123 |
3 | VNPT-VN | 486 |
4 | HINET-NET | 460 |
5 | Baidu | 441 |
6 | KORNET-KR | 427 |
7 | CMNET | 426 |
8 | MSFT | 364 |
9 | BSNLNET | 301 |
10 | DO-13 | 293 |
The top 10 countries (as defined by the 2-character country code), ordered by the number of suspected botnet IPs are:
Rank | Country/Region | # of suspected botnet IPs |
1 | United States | 5624 |
2 | China | 4017 |
3 | Singapore | 1708 |
4 | India | 1583 |
5 | Russian Federation | 1396 |
6 | Brazil | 1254 |
7 | Viet Nam | 1104 |
8 | South Korea | 830 |
9 | Indonesia | 672 |
10 | Taiwan | 615 |
The top 10 TCP ports, ordered by the number of connection attempts received are:
Rank | TCP port number | # of connection attempts received |
1 | 6000 | 265760 |
2 | 8522 | 211866 |
3 | 23 | 61821 |
4 | 4321 | 59962 |
5 | 1122 | 53841 |
6 | 2112 | 53774 |
7 | 5114 | 44900 |
8 | 445 | 43741 |
9 | 6101 | 41283 |
10 | 2211 | 37576 |
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