total number of suspected botnet IPs: 55591
number of blocked spams: 4225893
recipient count of blocked spams: 79043657
The top 25 countries (as defined by the 2-character country code), ordered by number of suspected botnet IPs are:
Rank | Country | # of suspected botnet IPs |
1 | Taiwan | 14476 |
2 | India | 13161 |
3 | China | 12452 |
4 | Brazil | 4939 |
5 | Argentina | 2579 |
6 | United States | 2376 |
7 | Russian Federation | 1103 |
8 | Thailand | 610 |
9 | Mexico | 387 |
10 | Uruguay | 364 |
11 | Ukraine | 307 |
12 | Ethiopia | 276 |
13 | Spain | 244 |
14 | Chile | 177 |
15 | South Korea | 158 |
16 | United Kingdom | 152 |
17 | Colombia | 144 |
18 | France | 112 |
19 | Germany | 110 |
20 | Indonesia | 99 |
21 | Kazakhstan | 91 |
22 | Italy | 70 |
23 | Canada | 70 |
24 | Japan | 69 |
25 | Belarus | 67 |
The top 25 countries (as defined by the 2-character country code), ordered by number of blocked spams are:
Rank | Country | # of blocked spams |
1 | China | 1662639 |
2 | Brazil | 607645 |
3 | Taiwan | 359716 |
4 | India | 235181 |
5 | United States | 143707 |
6 | Indonesia | 118070 |
7 | Russian Federation | 100260 |
8 | Thailand | 99239 |
9 | Argentina | 96704 |
10 | Colombia | 95130 |
11 | France | 86624 |
12 | South Korea | 59094 |
13 | Poland | 56118 |
14 | Ukraine | 43226 |
15 | Viet Nam | 35247 |
16 | United Kingdom | 33218 |
17 | Turkey | 32695 |
18 | Mexico | 30306 |
19 | European Union | 28545 |
20 | Canada | 26114 |
21 | Czech Republic | 23393 |
22 | South Africa | 19825 |
23 | Japan | 18599 |
24 | Chile | 15310 |
25 | Germany | 14438 |
The top 25 countries (as defined by the 2-character country code), ordered by recipient count of blocked spams are: